Reporting on human rights and everything in between: Ireland, Japan, Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, El Salvador, Indonesia, India.
Wohnungskrise in Irland: Fette Profite mit Uni-Unterkünften
Studierende in Dublin blockieren das ehrwürdige Trinity College, um gegen die Erhöhung der Miete für Uni-Unterkünfte zu protestieren.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: Students in Dublin block the venerable Trinity College to protest against raising rent for university accommodation.]
Gruppenfeindlichkeit in Indien: Wo Muslime um ihr Leben fürchten
Indien ist eine Demokratie. Aber an der Spitze und in der Breite auch eine islamophobe Gesellschaft.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: India a democracy, But it is also an Islamophobic society.]
Sinead O’Connor: Her life as a Muslim in Ireland
The famous singer’s life encapsulates the various phases Islam has gone through in Ireland. Majority of the converts to Islam combine their Irishness with their Muslim-ness, and O'Connor embodied that generation of Irish Muslims.
How Language Barricade Impacts Refugees In A Faraway Land
“A Chinese family that runs a restaurant in a different country would develop their social capital first but would ensure that their children would learn the local language. So who are we to say that the family has not integrated into society?”
What projects conducted in Kenya, Milwaukee and Dublin can teach us about the challenges and agonies and ecstasies of refuges in learning languages in foreign lands.
Proteste von Sportlerinnen in Indien: Heldinnen ohne Rückhalt
In Indien protestieren seit Wochen Wrestlerinnen gegen ihren Verbandschef, einen Politiker der Regierungspartei. Eine ungeheuerliche Schmutzkampagne soll sie stoppen.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: In India, female wrestlers have been protesting for weeks against their federation head on charges of sexual harassment. An outrageous smear campaign is intended to stop them.]
After 116 Years, Japan Raised Age of Consent for Sex to 16. What Took So Long?
Last month, Japan’s parliament finally changed the law, raising the age of consent to 16. Under the previous law, which was written in 1907, a person aged 13 or older had to prove in court that they had resisted sexual advances in order to be able to prove that any encounter was non-consensual, and thereby rape.
Abtreibungspille in Japan zugelassen: Nur ein Teilerfolg
Weltweit scheint noch Einigkeit darüber zu herrschen, dass Frauen nicht über ihre eigenen Körper bestimmen sollen. Trotz kleiner Errungenschaften.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: Japan has finally approved the abortion pill, with limitations. But there still seems to be a global consensus that women should not be in control of their own bodies.]
Hindu-Nationalismus in Indien: Sich die Geschichte zurechtmachen
Die indischen Geschichtsbücher werden um Teile der Vergangenheit ärmer. Die Regierung treibt die muslimische Minderheit einmal mehr an den Rand.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: History books in India are editing parts of the past. The government is once again marginalizing the Muslim minority.]
LGBTQ in Indien: Ehe für alle nicht mehr fern
Dem Obersten Gericht in Indien stehen Verhandlungen über die Homo-Ehe bevor. Es könnte ein riesiger Erfolg für die liberalen Kräfte im Land werden.
[Monthly Fernsicht column: The Supreme Court in India is about to hear about gay marriage. It could be a huge success for the country's liberal forces.]
6 Hidden Nature Escapes in Tokyo
If you know where to look, you can find gateways between worlds: on one side, the Tokyo of endless bustle, while on the other, a pocket of green space that will stun you with its stillness as profoundly as Harajuku will with its dynamism.
Recalling Desmond Tutu's Warmth as Indian Christians Face Rising Intolerance
Not being allowed to take the Communion while growing up, my first experience was with late Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
How Japan survived COVID-19
The world’s third biggest economy seems to have emerged from the pandemic comparatively unscathed. I spoke to health workers who survived the frontlines about how, and at what cost: one doctor attributes Japan’s “success” to the public’s compliance. Another put it more bluntly: “We did not succeed. We merely got lucky.”
‘Dear Japanese Government, Please Let Us See Our Mother’
Japan’s foreign residents continue to be separated from their families — some for nearly two years — amid new travel bans.
How the pandemic Olympics affected Japan
“Within the Olympics village, people were tested almost daily and almost everyone was vaccinated. Outside the bubble, the situation was completely the opposite. So there is a clear double standard here.”
The sound of sirens across Tokyo has increased noticeably during August. After a year of keeping the pandemic in check, Japan’s health system faces its sternest test yet, with record breaking numbers of daily cases.
Japan Looks Back at the Tokyo Olympics
All across public spaces in Tokyo, one phrase, on a red and brown banner, has become part of the dizzying cityscape: “Tokyo 2020: United by emotion.” The highly-controversial, most-expensive, postponed 2020 Tokyo Olympics stirred up mixed emotions among Japanese.